Take the next steps in your career—on your own terms. Palm Beach Atlantic University’s wide range of online programs, at both undergraduate 和 graduate levels, 当你在高要求的专业领域获得证书时,为你提供保持生活和工作承诺的灵活性.



Why Study Online Through PBA?

让自己沉浸在PBA在线独特的学习环境中:作为一个彻底的基督教社区的成员,在方便的课程中获得高度市场化的技能. 在这里, studying online carries all the benefits, 连接, 而且我们的校园课程也很受人尊敬——还有按自己的节奏学习的额外好处.


  • Christ-Oriented Learning: Pursue your goals in an environment that puts Christ first in all things.
  • Flexible Schedules: 根据你之前的工作和生活承诺来安排你8周的学期和学习计划.
  • 负担得起的: PBA在线除了提供以学生为中心的经济援助机会外,还提供具有竞争力的低价标签.
  • Access to Everything PBA: Connect with 同行, 导师, 顾问, career counselors, 以及我们的意义制造者社区中提供的其他支持服务.

Next Term Starts October 21



Online Degree Programs

抓住一个独特的机会,以适合你的速度和时间表获得需求证书! 我们的本科和研究生在线课程包括一些PBA排名最高和最受商业追捧的学位.

Undergraduate Programs


Business Administration

Christian Studies

Communication Studies

Community Psychology

Gaming 和 Interactive Media Design.

Nursing (RN to BSN)


Graduate Programs


Master of Business Administration

MA in Community Transformation 和 Chaplaincy

MS in Computer Science

MS in Educational 领导

MS in Ethics 和 Organizational Behavior

MS in Health Science (Online-Hybrid)

MA Intercultural Studies


Doctor of Nursing Practice (Online-Hybrid)

MA in Philosophy of Religion (Online-Hybrid)

Online 招生 和 Aid

Admission Requirements

通过我们简单的申请流程,向发挥你的潜力迈出第一步. 如果你在路上遇到任何困难,我们的支持团队都可以帮助你!

1. 在线申请.

完整的 our online application in less than 15 minutes. PBA has no application fee.

2. 请求 your transcripts.

Send us an unofficial copy of your high school transcripts, along with any college transcripts you have. 我们将要求您在第一学期内提供成绩单的正式副本.

3. Start class – fast!

We will review your application within 24 hours. Once you’ve been admitted, 我们将为您联系一位个性化的成功教练,帮助您规划学位. 我们的滚动开始日期意味着您可以在2个月内(通常更短)开始学习!)申请.

金融援助 和 奖学金

We are committed to making a PBA education as affordable as possible. 我们以职业和信仰为导向的强大学习组合的价格为每学时400美元, 在线课程是提高你的教育水平最具成本效益的选择之一.

利用州和联邦拨款计划,PBA在线学位对一些佛罗里达州居民是免费的. To determine the types of 金融援助 you might receive, we encourage you to 提交FAFSA.

Affordability Calculator

find out how affordable PBA can be using our Net Price Calculator.


Online Learning 常见问题解答s



Eager to dive in? 与我们联系,了解更多关于参加随时开始的折扣课程的特殊机会.

It all depends on how many credits you’ve already earned. Some PBA在线 students earn their degree in less than a year!


您的PBA在线成功教练将提供全面的支持,并帮助您根据您的成绩单和目标创建个性化的学位计划. 我们也把一些证书、执照和工作经验算作大学学分.



PBA在线 courses only last for 8 weeks. 登录你的班级,在任何时间(任何地点)最方便的时候完成你的每周课程和作业.

It’s in the name: we put Christ first. In our curriculum, in our online program design, 和 in the support you receive from our faculty 和 staff, 你将亲眼见证基督是如何在我们PBA所做的一切的中心. 




课程没有特定的日期或时间,所以你可以在你有空的时候学习. 许多课程都有可选的同步课程,你将有机会与导师见面, 同行, 和 guest speakers. 极少数课程可能有一个或两个所需的同步会话.

Explore the PBA Community

在一个珍惜你才能的环境中拓展你的知识,提升你的资历, nurtures your faith, 并将你与更广泛的社区联系起来,无论是在佛罗里达州的角落还是在世界各地. All PBA在线 students can access robust advising 和 academic support designed for your success, fellowship as part of our deeply rooted Christian community, develop your experience 和 resume in an 实习, 和 prepare for your future with our career development 团队.

关于PBA Graduates

毕业后进入一个由高成就、使命驱动的思想家和实干家组成的社区. A degree from PBA, including our online programs, can take you far: employment immediately following graduation, solid starting salaries, 和 top graduate programs, including at Johns Hopkins University, V和erbilt University, the University of Florida, Georgetown University, 和 the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Learn more about your future as a PBA graduate.


Access support as an online student through our eLearning Department. This helpful 团队 can help you access tutoring services, virtual academic 和 personal resources, 以及我们在十大赌博网站在线课程中使用的所有工具和程序.


Damaris Cristofano
招生 Counselor
电子邮件: damaris_cristofano@ycdwkj666.com
Phone: 561-803-2154
Schedule a Meeting

招生 Counselor
电子邮件: molly_radcliffe@ycdwkj666.com
Phone: 561-803-2137
Schedule a Meeting 

相同的任务. 相同的质量. 相同的程度.

At Palm Beach Atlantic University Online, 我们最好的教师使用全面和战略性的流程开发每门课程,确保您将体验到相同的高质量, faith-filled education that you would receive on campus. Our goal is for you to gain knowledge 掌握建立有意义的联系的艺术——不管你用什么媒介来联系. 这种全面的在线课程方法确保你的学习是面向未来的, preparing you for a dynamic 和 ever-evolving world.



达琳·亨利于1984年秋天在十大赌博网站(PBA)开始了她的高等教育之旅. Now, 39 years later, she is back to complete her degree online. 


Related Programs

a group of students sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture

Community Psychology, B.S. (在线)

There are a lot of hurting people in the world. Maybe you've been there. 也许你的目标是在职业上和简单地作为一个人回报,爱你的邻居. The Palm Beach Atlantic University program helps you do more, 装备你的技能,走上一个有回报的职业生涯,你将帮助人们改善他们的心理健康.

部,B.A. (在线)

回应圣灵对服务和目的的呼召,在网上文学学士(B.A.) in 部 degree program at Palm Beach Atlantic University. 培养组织和管理事工的技能,同时培养个人的洞察力,让你知道基督要带领你去哪里完成他的使命.

Students listen to an organizational leadership lecture.

Organizational 领导, B.S. (在线)

通过十大赌博网站的Catherine T. 在当今充满挑战的就业舞台上,麦克阿瑟学院将为您提供竞争优势. This program helps you do more, preparing you with the skills needed to move your 团队, department or company forward.